The 2041 ClimateForce-2022氣候變遷關注行動 (The 2041 ClimateForce-2022 Climate Change Concern Action)

環境 轉動人生 國際支援

留學台灣的非洲學生,將與世界各國青年前往南極洲,藉著演講、登岸體驗與觀察、小組討論及作坊等活動見証氣候變遷的威脅 (African students studying in Taiwan will travel to Antarctica with young people from all over the world to witness the threat of climate change through lectures, landing experiences and observations, group discussions and workshops).

提案人 : 長榮大學國際學程&Barnaba與Nickson
目標NT $300,000
已募NT $37,000
台幣 12.33%
集資期間:2022-01-27 ~ 2022-02-28


We now request YOUR support to join the 2041 Climate Force Antarctic Expedition in March-April 2022 and be part of the 12-day ''Leadership on the Edge" program to explore the virgin Antarctic landscape and experience first-hand the disastrous effect of climate change.

溫度和天氣模式的長期變化被稱為氣候變化。這些運動可能是由於自然原因造成的,例如太陽週期的振盪。然而,自 1800 年代以來,人類活動一直是氣候變化的主要原因,尤其是煤炭、石油和天然氣等化石燃料的燃燒。

Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns are referred to as climate change. These movements could be due to natural causes, such as oscillations in the solar cycle. However, human activities have been the primary cause of climate change since the 1800s, particularly the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas.


Burning coal produces greenhouse gas emissions, which act like a blanket around the Earth, trapping the sun's heat and boosting temperatures. Since global warming is essentially irreversible, it is more important than ever to take immediate action to minimize its disastrous consequences.


This expedition will mainly focus to build us with the following: