The 2041 ClimateForce-2022氣候變遷關注行動 (The 2041 ClimateForce-2022 Climate Change Concern Action)

環境 轉動人生 國際支援

留學台灣的非洲學生,將與世界各國青年前往南極洲,藉著演講、登岸體驗與觀察、小組討論及作坊等活動見証氣候變遷的威脅 (African students studying in Taiwan will travel to Antarctica with young people from all over the world to witness the threat of climate change through lectures, landing experiences and observations, group discussions and workshops).

提案人 : 長榮大學國際學程&Barnaba與Nickson
目標NT $300,000
已募NT $37,000
台幣 12.33%
集資期間:2022-01-27 ~ 2022-02-28


We now request YOUR support to join the 2041 Climate Force Antarctic Expedition in March-April 2022 and be part of the 12-day ''Leadership on the Edge" program to explore the virgin Antarctic landscape and experience first-hand the disastrous effect of climate change.

溫度和天氣模式的長期變化被稱為氣候變化。這些運動可能是由於自然原因造成的,例如太陽週期的振盪。然而,自 1800 年代以來,人類活動一直是氣候變化的主要原因,尤其是煤炭、石油和天然氣等化石燃料的燃燒。

Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns are referred to as climate change. These movements could be due to natural causes, such as oscillations in the solar cycle. However, human activities have been the primary cause of climate change since the 1800s, particularly the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas.


Burning coal produces greenhouse gas emissions, which act like a blanket around the Earth, trapping the sun's heat and boosting temperatures. Since global warming is essentially irreversible, it is more important than ever to take immediate action to minimize its disastrous consequences.


This expedition will mainly focus to build us with the following:

認識我們 Who are we?

我們是巴拿巴(Barnaba Buhombe)尼克遜(Nickson Emanuel),我們獲選為「2041南極氣候變遷關注行動的2022年團隊正式隊員。我們將和150位來自世界各地的隊員,參與極地探險家 Robert Swan O.B.E. 與氣候變遷、永續發展及能源使用等專家一同傳授的頂尖領袖計畫“Leadership on the Edge”。此南極遠征隊希望藉由培訓激發青年領袖關心並負起氣候變遷的責任,建立靭性社區與各方面都永能可續的社會。

We are Barnaba Buhombe and Nickson Emanuel from Chang Jung Christian University and we have been selected as official participants of the 2041 Climate Force Antarctic Expedition in 2022 (17 - 28 March). We will be 2 of the 150 participants of a diverse group of people from across the world who will be participating in the “Leadership on the Edge” program led by famous polar explorer Robert Swan O.B.E., and learning exercises taught by renowned experts on the issues of climate change, sustainability, and energy use. The purpose of this expedition to the Antarctic is to engage and inspire leaders to take responsibility for climate change, build resilient communities, and be sustainable in all aspects of living.

我們現在就讀於台南 長榮大學永續發展國際學士學位學程,受到珍·古德博士的啟發,參與珍古德協會在坦尚尼亞的環境志工進而來到台灣留學。

We are undergraduate students, currently enrolled as Bachelor's degree students of the International Program Sustainable Development at Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan, Taiwan. Students who are inspired by Dr. Jane Goodall, after being volunteers of the Jane Goodall's Institute Tanzania.


My name is Nickson, I am a Tanzanian, born and raised in the town of Arusha. I am very grateful that I can say I grew up in the very unique setting of the slopes of Mount Meru and the famous national parks such as Serengeti. Taught by my parents and my environment growing up, nature was my first passion. My second passion was technology and computer software, which resulted in a very unusual combination: I took an Advanced Diploma in computer engineering and volunteered for the Jane Goodall Institute at the same time. Since last year, I am an undergraduate student at Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan, Taiwan, enrolled in the International Bachelor’s Degree “Sustainable Development”. My major is "climate change and watershed", in particular climate modeling, data analysis, and geographic information systems.


Fighting climate change is certainly a topic that plays an important role in my life, on a personal as well as academic level. During my volunteering time at the Jane Goodall Institute in my hometown Arusha in Tanzania, I had been facing several scenarios where climate change is affecting and threatening nature, and communities. I was involved in different projects, such as tree planting, awareness-raising campaigns, animal welfare, conservation projects among others. Many of these issues are ‘man-made’ climate phenomena and made me realize and visualize the geographical and socio-economic vulnerability of my home, as well as many countries on earth. These experiences along with the inspiring Dr. Jane sparked my interest to strive for a favorable change on a global scale and fight against climate change.

我是Barnaba Buhombe來自長榮大學,被選為2041南極氣候變遷遠征隊在2022的正式參與者。

I am Barnaba Buhombe from Chang Jung Christian University and I have been selected as an official participant of the 2041 Climate Force Antarctic Expedition in March 2022.


After being a Volunteer at the Jane Goodall's Institute in Tanzania and luckily being selected to be one among of the lucky students who are endorsed by the Jane Goodall's Institute to pursue the bachelor degree in International Program Sustainable Development at Chang Jung Christian University in Taiwan this has been nourishing me with deep knowledge about climate change, Hence make me deeply passionate about climate change and sustainability at my young age. It's my sincere hope that I'll be the change we want for the future generation.

關於南極氣候變遷遠征隊的行動 Expedition Details:

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南極洲目前受到暫停開發的保護,1991 年建立的南極條約體系下的南極環境議定書(Antarctic-Environmental Protocol)的一部分規定全面保護南極環境免受採礦和鑽探的影響。這將在 2041 年重新談判。Robert Swan(第一個到北極和南極的人)成立了 2041行動 ,旨在通過促進回收利用、再生能源和可持續性來保護南極洲。 Robert 及 2041行動 的目標是激勵、培養和培訓下一代領導者,以促進永續的未來。

Antarctica is currently protected by a moratorium, part of the Antarctic-Environmental Protocol under the Antarctic Treaty System established in 1991 provides for comprehensive protection of the Antarctic environment from mining and drilling. This is up for re-negotiation in 2041. Robert Swan (the first person to walk to both the North and South Pole) founded 2041 to work towards the preservation of Antarctica through the promotion of recycling, renewable energy, and sustainability. Robert and 2041's goal is to inspire, develop, and train the next generation of leaders to promote a more sustainable future.

由Robert Swan精心挑選全球的探索者加入頂尖領袖“Leadership on the Edge”計劃的一員,在探險過程中,將通過一系列講座、岸上徒步旅行、小組討論、工作坊等來學習,關於氣候科學、永續性,並具備必要的技能來開發工具,從而對不同的社區、機構、公司和政府產生有意義的影響。

Handpicked by Robert Swan to join him and be part of the "Leadership on the Edge" program, during the course of the expedition, we will learn through a series of lectures, shore landings, hikes, group discussions, workshops, etc., about climate science, sustainability, and be equipped with the necessary skills to develop tools to create a meaningful impact on different communities, institutions, companies, and governments.


Having always endeavored to take a firm stand on issues of great importance, we believe this is a fantastic opportunity to learn about climate change and sustainability and inspire and motivate others "to help create positive, enduring change in the world" through climate action.

遠征南極的總體費用 The total cost of the expedition

探險的總費用約為 900,000 台幣,我們希望通過我們自己的學校、眾籌和企業贊助的組合來籌集一部分探險費用。


  • 遠征費(實際) - 602,000NTD
  • 航空旅行(估計) - 180,000NTD
  • 裝備和設備(估計) - 73,000NTD
  • 簽證費, 旅行緊急情況、醫療和旅行保險(估計) - 45000NTD

The total cost of the expedition is approximately 900,000 NTD (both of us) and we are looking to raise a portion of the expedition fee through a combination of our own School, crowdfunding, and corporate sponsorship.

Break-up of the total cost for BOTH of us, below for reference:

  • Expedition fee (Actual) -602,000NTD
  • Air travel (Estimate) - 180,000NTD
  • Gear and equipment (Estimate) -73,000NTD
  • Visa fees, Medical, Travel emergency, and Travel Insurance (Estimate) - 45000NTD

我們已經得到學校為這次探險提供了 270,000 新台幣的支持,這給了我們一個好的開始。個人籌資目前已募得30,000新台幣。

目前我們已有300,000台幣,距離目標總金額還有600,000 台幣

Luckily up to date, our School management has granted us the amount of 270,000NTD for this Expedition, this gives us a great beginning. Raised money from individuals is 30,000 NTD.

We currently have 300,000 NTD, and we are still 600,000 NTD away from the total target amount.

The total cost for two people is 900,000 NTD. The total money left for fundraising is 600,000 NTD.

About The 2041 Foundation

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Supporting us on this journey is not only an incredible contribution to our pathway to becoming sustainability ambassadors. Your support will also be showcasing your commitment to environmental sustainability and the health of the planet.


  • 此次考察預計將增強和增加國際學生的流動性。
  • 受疫情影響,行程取消,全額退還。
  • 我們會將探險的所有反饋分享給所有支持我們的人並在社群媒體分享。
  • 我們將帶著更廣闊的視野回來,不僅是增強的領導技能和非凡的經驗,還有關於地球的自然地貌以及它如何受到氣候變化影響的知識。
  • 我們的主要目標是分享我們學到的東西並鼓勵其他年輕人。此外,還將舉辦研討會及公開演講活動。
  • 我們還想製作一部關於這次探險的短片,向世界展示南極洲的情況,氣候變化如何影響它,台灣社會對此行動的支持以及我們每個人都可以做些什麼來幫助緩解它。

  • This expedition is expected to enhance and increase international student mobility.
  • Due to the pandemic, In case the trip is cancelled, all funds will be refunded back.
  • we'll be able to share all the feedback of the expedition to everyone who supports us and publicizes the feedback of the expedition on social media
  • we will be returning with a broadened mind, not only regarding enhanced leadership skills and remarkable experiences but also knowledge about the earth's physiography and how it's being affected through climate change.
  • Our primary goal is to share what we've learned and to encourage other young people. In addition, workshops will be held and public speaking engagements will be organized.
  • We also want to make a short film on the expedition to show the world what it's like in Antarctica, how climate change is affecting it, and what each of us can do to help mitigate it.






Barnaba & Nickson 敬上

Thank you for your support!!!

We greatly appreciate your donation and your sacrifice.

Your support helps to further our mission through the 2041 Antarctica climate change expedition.

Thank you a lot!!!

By Barnaba & Nickson

本專案由 長榮大學協力提案