The 2041 ClimateForce-2022氣候變遷關注行動 (The 2041 ClimateForce-2022 Climate Change Concern Action)


我們是巴拿巴(Barnaba Buhombe)和尼克遜(Nickson Emanuel),我們獲選為「2041南極氣候變遷關注行動的2022年團隊正式隊員。
We are Barnaba Buhombe and Nickson Emanuel from Chang Jung Christian University and we have been selected as official participants of the 2041 Climate Force Antarctic Expedition in 2022 (17 - 28 March)

我們將和150位來自世界各地的隊員,參與極地探險家 Robert Swan O.B.E. 與氣候變遷、永續發展及能源使用等專家一同傳授的頂尖領袖計畫“Leadership on the Edge”。
We will be 2 of the 150 participants of a diverse group of people from across the world who will be participating in the “Leadership on the Edge” program led by famous polar explorer Robert Swan O.B.E., and learning exercises taught by renowned experts on the issues of climate change, sustainability, and energy use.

The purpose of this expedition to the Antarctic is to engage and inspire leaders to take responsibility for climate change, build resilient communities, and be sustainable in all aspects of living.

Who are we?
我們現在就讀於台南 長榮大學永續發展國際學士學位學程,受到珍·古德博士的啟發,參與珍古德協會在坦尚尼亞的環境志工進而來到台灣留學.
We are undergraduate students, currently enrolled as Bachelor's degree students of the International Program Sustainable Development at Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan, Taiwan. Students who are inspired by Dr. Jane Goodall, after being volunteers of the Jane Goodall's Institute Tanzania.


Hello everyone

My name is Nickson, I am a Tanzanian, born and raised in the town of Arusha. I am very grateful that I can say I grew up in the very unique setting of the slopes of Mount Meru and the famous national parks such as Serengeti. Taught by my parents and my environment growing up, nature was my first passion. My second passion was technology and computer software, which resulted in a very unusual combination: I took an Advanced Diploma in computer engineering and volunteered for the Jane Goodall Institute at the same time. Since last year, I am an undergraduate student at Chang Jung Christian University in Tainan, Taiwan, enrolled in the International Bachelor’s Degree “Sustainable Development”. My major is "climate change and watershed", in particular climate modeling, data analysis and geographic information systems.

Fighting climate change is certainly a topic that plays an important role in my life, on a personal as well as academic level. During my volunteering time at the Jane Goodall Institute in my hometown Arusha in Tanzania, I had been facing several scenarios where climate change is affecting and threatening nature, and communities. I was involved in different projects, such as tree planting, awareness-raising campaigns, animal welfare, conservation projects among others. Many of these issues are ‘man-made’ climate phenomena and made me realize and visualize the geographical and socio-economic vulnerability of my home, as well as many countries on earth. These experiences along with the inspiring Dr. Jane sparked my interest to strive for a favorable change on a global scale and fight against climate change.



我是Barnaba Buhombe來自長榮大學,被選為2041南極氣候變遷遠征隊在2022的正式參與者。
I am Barnaba Buhombe from Chang Jung Christian University and I have been selected as an official participant of the 2041 Climate Force Antarctic Expedition in March 2022.

很開心在珍·古德協會( 參與志工後能獲得珍古德協會的推薦來台灣,在長榮大學攻讀國際永續發展學程,讓我更深入了解氣候變遷的知識,因此也更加熱衷於此。我真心希望我能成為我們想要的未來世代的改變。
After being a Volunteer at the Jane Goodall's Institute ( in Tanzania and luckily being selected to be one among of the lucky students who are endorsed by the Jane Goodall's Institute to pursue the bachelor degree in International Program Sustainable Development at Chang Jung Christian University in Taiwan this has been nourishing me with deep knowledge about climate change, Hence make me deeply passionate about climate change and sustainability at my young age. It's my sincere hope that I'll be the change we want for the future generation.


The 2041 ClimateForce-2022氣候變遷關注行動 (The 2041 ClimateForce-2022 Climate Change Concern Action)
The 2041 ClimateForce-2022氣候變遷關注行動 (The 2041 ClimateForce-2022 Climate Change Concern Action)
2022-01-27 ~ 2022-02-28
已募NT $37,000